
Abigail Bogdan PhD
Vienna, WV
Contact Info


  • Ph.D., The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH), 2016
  • B.S., Marietta College (Marietta, OH), 2011
  • M.S., The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH), 2013


  • Bogdan, A. M. and Heckler, A. F. (2013), Effects of Belief Bias on Student Reasoning from Data Tables, 2013 PERC Proceedings [Portland, OR, July 17-18, 2013], edited by P. V. Engelhardt, A. D. Churukian, and D. L. Jones.


  • American Association of Physics Teachers


  • 鈥淗ow Expectations Guide Interpretation: The Effect of Prior Beliefs on Student Inferences from Experimental Data鈥 Marietta College Colloquium Series, October 2015
  • 鈥淪tudent Inferences from Two-Dimensional Graphs with Multiple Independent Variables鈥 Oral Presentation, Summer Conference of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Washington, D.C., July 2015.
  • 鈥淧ER in an Upper-Level Introductory Condensed Matter Course鈥 Poster Presentation, Physics Education Research Conference, Washington, D.C., July 2015.
  • 鈥淪tudent Reasoning from Data Tables: Data Interpretation in Light of Student Ability and Prior Belief鈥 Poster Presentation, REASON International Spring School, Munich, Germany, March 2015.
  • 鈥淓ffects of Belief Bias on Data Inference鈥 Oral Presentation, Summer Conference of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Minneapolis, MN, July 2014.
  • 鈥淓xamination of Students' Ability to Interpret Data in Light of Prior Belief鈥 Poster Presentation, Physics Education Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN. July 2014.
  • 鈥淓ffects of Belief Bias on Causal Reasoning from Data Tables鈥 Oral Presentation, Summer Conference of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Portland, OR, July 2013.
  • 鈥淓ffects of Belief Bias on Student Reasoning from Data Tables鈥, Poster Presentation, Physics Education Research Conference, Portland, OR. July 2013.